Message from Director Makers Lab

Makers Lab sponsored by Fatima Venture

Fatima Ventures Makers Lab intends to provide state-of-the-art facilities to faculty, students, researchers, startups, and companies/industry to perform rapid prototyping and product development with quick turn-around time. It aims to bring a paradigm shift in the entrepreneurial eco system of Pakistan. It is the first step to achieve the greater objective of exporting high value-added products from Pakistan and break the hardware-based product development in Pakistan.   

One does not have to shuttle between different markets to get the job done for his/her project. We have four highly trained lab technicians for our five labs, who can build things for you based upon the designs provided by you and can provide constructive feedback to improve the design. I encourage students, researches, hobbyists, faculty members, entrepreneurs to avail all the services offered by Makers Lab as per your need during your R&D and teaching. It is one of its own kind of facilities. This lab provides you an opportunity to work on electronics, mechanical design, and manufacturing (using metal lab tools and CNC machines) , 3D printing, development of wooden models, fabrication of high-end PCBs with small feature sizes, fiber glass, metal and welding related jobs under one roof. This lab can help you in prototyping your final year projects, semester projects, research projects and any innovative idea. Please have a look at the poster to know about the facilities available at Makers Lab. To truly feel the environment and learn more about available facilities, I cordially invite all of you to visit us at LUMS, take its membership, build things of your interest, and realize your idea/dream into reality.

Dr. Wasif Tanveer Khan


If you have any suggestion and query feel free to contact me at my email address