Cohort 8

Cluent Corp.
Cluent Corp. is a tech oriented business consultancy providing RaaS (Research as a Service) to enterprises globally. We aim to connect and mediate interactions between industry experts and global clients seeking help to make well informed business decisions.

Dawa Asaan
Dawa Asaan aims to be Pakistan’s first smart pharmacy! Being a one stop solution for all healthcare needs of a patient. we are the first company in Pakistan delivering pre-sorted and pre-packaged medicines to a patient on a 2 weekly and monthly biases.

A marketing company exclusively for NGOs and Not for Profit organisations in Pakistan; aiming specifically to reach out to potential overseas Pakistani donors.

Hamza Yaseen
Hamza Yaseen is a luxury streetwear designer label that takes western ease of wearing and carrying and blends it with SouthAsian textile elements to discover and represent a unique cultural identity.

To Make handcrafted home decor and lifestyle products which are functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Kalakar (Virsapur)
Connecting poor or underprivileged talented personnel to a privileged global and local audience that can pay good money for watching, learning, and buying their products or art via creating a digital ecosystem.

Kheti Barri
we (as a team) working on a digital solution, by which we will create a platform for farmers so as to help them in timely sourcing of agricultural equipment suitable to their need and affordability.

Loading Champions
To provide a trusted and one-stop platform where one can realize their capabilities along with access to valuable handholding and learning.

Pace X
An online marketplace offering storage space

A equity based crowd funding web/app platform to connect vetted investors with tech-enabled start-ups which would help foster the micro-investment culture in Pakistan.

Our platform will assist private sectors in their procurement-related tasks. The system will be developed according to Pakistan procurement laws and policies. This system will allow users to register and publish tender. Likewise, users can also place bids online. Once the bid is accepted or rejected, the user will be notified about the status. This will help organizations to run their procurement process smoothly and efficiently.

Establishing Pakistan’s leading life sciences company.

Slick Fit
A mobile fitness game that combines virtual elements with real-world action and physical rewards to engage a global community of fitness seeking individuals.

TB-AI is a software that can work on an artificial intelligence algorithm via machine learning technique for the detection and diagnosis of Tuberculosis disease which is endemic in our region. This software will replace the human need of microscopy, can give quick test results and reduction in the number of false positive results also can be easily used on mobile units or anywhere.